Contact us

Write or call our representatives

Ilona Skwierawska

Head of export department +48 501 319 170

  • en
  • de

Katarzyna Dawidowska-Zawartowska

Sales specialist +48 574 180 103

  • en
  • fr

Beata Kędziora

Sales specialist +48 531 715 547

  • en

Beata Siwiak

Sales specialist +48 533 323 758

  • en

Dorota Wieczorek

Sales assistant +48 502 736 432

  • en

Company headquarters

Here we are: ul. Wrocławska 42/44, 62-060 Stęszew / Zamysłowo
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Write to us

We will respond and prepare a detailed quote for you within a maximum of 3 business days.

    Ask for an estimate

    Ask for an estimate

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      Elementy zabudowy hali -
      poszycie ścian:

      Elementy wyposażenia:

      Adres montażu:

      Dane kontaktowe:

      Ask for an estimate