

Preparation of the ground for the marquee hall

The basis for assessing the scope of work is a site visit and an analysis of the specific geological characteristics of the ground

The erection of a marquee hall, regardless of whether the hall will be erected for 180 days only or permanently, based on a building permit, requires appropriate preparation of the ground. Despite the fact that tent halls made of aluminium profiles are lightweight constructions, which place less of a load on the ground than steel halls or traditionally built structures, the parameters of the ground, its load-bearing capacity must correspond to the assumed design requirements resulting from standards and building regulations.
The basis for assessing the scope of work is a site visit and an analysis of the geological characteristics of the ground. The recommended solution is usually to level – level the ground and use paving blocks with a substructure capable of bearing the reactions contained in the documentation.

Areas where the water table means that the ground does not provide adequate bearing capacity may require drainage. Solid concrete foundations are recommended for high loads, low ground bearing capacity or due to customer requirements, e.g. raised foundations allow the installation of loading docks for TIRs. Foundations can be realised as point-like reinforced concrete footings, linear footings or a reinforced concrete slab. The foundation footings are rectangular-shaped concrete pours to which the main columns – the aluminium profiles that make up the hall segments – are fixed.
The construction of the foundations according to the calculation design provided by Pol-Plan is the responsibility of the client. In the case of fixing the hall to a substrate paved with paving stones, it is possible to perform a soil survey on request.

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